A very talented local photographer, Mathieu Vernerey – who has
already produced a stunning book called “Les Alpes Océanes”
– is creating a summer first, for the pleasure of walkers, by offering an itinerant
exhibition of his photographs around four refuges in the Mercantour.
The exhibition will start on June 13 and continue until
September 24 with Mathieu’s lovely shots being visible as follows -
Refuge - Valmasque : June
Refuge - de Nice : July
Refuge - Madone de Fenestre : August
Refuge - la Cougourde : September
Refuge - de Nice : July
Refuge - Madone de Fenestre : August
Refuge - la Cougourde : September
Launch events at 14.00, 14.00, 15.00 and 14.00, respectively, on the first day of opening.
The exhibition is dedicated to Hervé Gourdel – a fellow Mercantour enthusiast who recently lost his life.
The exhibition is dedicated to Hervé Gourdel – a fellow Mercantour enthusiast who recently lost his life.
Furthermore entries to a concurrent competition based on
Mercantour refuges can also be enjoyed.
Spare a thought for the volunteers who will be transporting
the 30 or so images between the refuges!
The refuges are easily accessible in day walks and of course
overnight stays can be arranged on the Nice French Alpine Club site,
for the more adventurous.
Alternatively if you are quick, you might be able to stay
with local accommodation and holiday provider – spacebetween – who are based
in Berthemont les Bains in the Vésubie.
Please support this great effort initiative to enhance your
visit to the wonderful Mercantour National Park.
If you require any further information please do not
hesitate to contact Liz Lord or Mel Jones of spacebetween – they’ve lived in
the area for 12 years so know their onions!
Photo credit - Mathieu Vernerey - of course!!